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Are Plants Conscious? Plant Sentience & Research

“The most interesting question may be not whether consciousness comes in degrees, but instead what exactly degrees of consciousness turn out to be. (Lee, 2022)”

In 1885, German plant physiologist B. Frank first documented the tree and fungi root symbiosis. Over the past 139 years, researchers have learned that mycorrhizal is present in nearly every ecosystem—from forests to deserts and arable land. This symbiotic relationship is found within 85% of plants, ultimately influencing plant growth and health—both positive and negative. The plant and fungi are essentially able to communicate by emitting a signal based on how that signal is received (Karban). It is now understood within plant behavior studies that “tree talk” is a complex adaptive behavior that allows the entities within the ecosystem to self-organize through behavior, interactions, feedback, and influences ( Monika, et al.) 

In 2023, a study was published about how stress impacts plants. This study looked at ultrasonic sounds that were emitted by a tobacco and tomato plant, while inside of an acoustic container, within a greenhouse in order to appropriately monitor the basic plant physiology. In this study, they found that “Plants emit ultrasonic airborne sounds when stressed; The emitted sounds reveal plant type and condition”. Machine learning models were used to identify the plant's conditions in order to correlate the sound to the condition. This study suggests these findings show an opportunity to explore a better understanding of plants and their interactions with their environment (Khait).

The study of consciousness is a multidisciplinary puzzle that folks have been documenting the studying for the past 2,500 years (Tang, et al.). Quantum mechanics and consciousness have been connected since the quantum study came into being. Researchers do know know there is a vast amount of quantum transmission that occurs within our brains.  (Tang, et al.) The main quantum theory related to consciousness in based upon the neural structuring of the body—now there are a couple of sub-theories that exist within this structure, but we will dive into that deeper at a layer time. Critics have claimed this neural quantum theory of consciousness is implausible due to all plants and animals having the same foundational neural networks, however, others may refute that this criticism could actually provide evidence of the contrary and support the idea of animistic sentience. Still there no conclusive mechanism for consciousness (Hammeroff), which leads me to wonder how these critics feel so confident in denying these claims without exploring them further through empirical study. As an animist, I feel these findings to be absolutely fascinating and bring me great comfort within my spiritual practice. As an independent researcher, I am interested to see how this research develops and evolves.

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Khait et al.. 2023. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Monika A. Gorzelak, Amanda K. Asay, Brian J. Pickles and Suzanne W. Simard. 

Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z4

Lee, A. Y. (2022). Degrees of consciousness. Noûs, 57(3), 553–575.

Karban, Richard. The Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics is online at 020045

Rhodes, L. H., & Gerdemann, J. W. (1975). Phosphate uptake zones of mycorrhizal and non‐mycorrhizal onions. New Phytologist, 75(3), 555-561.

Van Der Heijden, M. G. A., Martin, F., Selosse, M. A., & Sanders, I. R. (2015). Mycorrhizal ecology and evolution: the past, the present, and the future. New Phytologist, 205(4), 1406–1423.

Hameroff, S. M. (2012). How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience6, 32581.

Li, T., Tang, H., Zhu, J., & Zhang, J. H. (2019). The finer scale of consciousness: Quantum theory. Annals of Translational Medicine7(20).

Adams, Betony. (2023, June 21). Do quantum effects play a role in consciousness? – Physics World

2 commentaires

Jen K
Jen K
05 avr. 2024

I absolutely agree!! Any time I'm not successful with a houseplant I cry and grieve and do a burial of the plant per se. A ritual. When I see broken trees and brown grass etc etc I can almost feel the death. The pain the earth felt.

14 juin 2024
En réponse à

What a beautiful connection you're tapping into!


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