Where to Begin with Multicultural Folk Practices?
The paradoxical nature of our world has always been fascinating, yet beautiful to me.
We are surrounded by duality and complexity.

Modern folks, especially modern Americans like myself, are experiencing a lot of complexity around our cultural heritage.
Many of our ancestors did wonderful and horrible things—again with the duality.
Some folks had their lineage lines shattered and lost—some of which were intentionally left behind and others being taken away.
We can’t look back at the history of people without seeing the duality. This just adds more complexity to the nuance of the world around us.
The complexity continues as times go on, folks are liberated, and our lineages become more intermingled through modern times.
This leaves many of us with deeply mixed multicultural lineages.
But what does that mean for spirituality?
How can a person honor the mixed cultures of their heritage that have been at war with one another?
My training as a therapist, that has dabbled in the study of shame for a few years, would say:
Why should one have to choose which lineage to honor?
Why should one have to choose a lineage over another?
To force an individual to choose cultural sides is forcing a subconscious identity divide.
You deserve to explore, study, and learn about the cultures that are the reason you are here today--if you do it in an ethical way.
Without one of those lineages in your line, you wouldn’t be the exact you that is reading this right now.
If you always lead with reciprocity when diving into cultural and lineage studies, you can nurture a rite relationship with the ancestors of that culture.
If you’re unfamiliar with reciprocity then it’s the idea of “mutual exchange” e.g. say your Hispanic lineage and want to begin working with the ancestors of this line. If you would like support from this lineage, then you need to first give support, love, and/or gratitude. Focus on nurturing your relationship with the cultures, the folks, and their spirits as you begin to learn more.
All cultures deserve deep respect and reverence, so you must carry that into your studies to be an ethical practitioner. If you are looking for medicine and magic within these lineages, first acknowledge the folk/spirits/ancestors. Ask for their permission and ask to be led the ethical way through your studies.
There is obviously much more that goes into this process to do it ethically, but remember:
You deserve to learn about your heritage and honor it
But you cannot be an asshole and you must do it with respect, love, and gratitude ☺︎
Much love,
Sierra Joleen