Modern Medicine Stories? What is that?
I'm a long-form girly.
I don't enjoy social media or the condensed version of reality that gets expressed through those platforms--although, I absolutely understand the appeal.
So, I created Modern Medicine Stories.
My intention with Modern Medicine Stories is to share my research and experience regarding the ambiguous nature of the spiritually healing arts through a long-form format with a sprinkle of personal connection and storytelling.

Now, let’s take a look at the modern definition and historical etymology of the word “medicine” :
“From medicine, from the Latin medicina–Medicina, the art of healing, or the means of healing, from medicinus, relating to healing, from medeor or medicor, to heal or cure. Medicina is thus a substantive noun from the adjective medicinus; as also medicus the adjective which meant healing or wholesome used as a substantive meant doctor or physician. At first medicus was a general term applied to anyone associated with the healing art and the care or treatment of patients.” (Charen)
“Folk medicine is the mixture of traditional healing practices and beliefs that involve herbal medicine, spirituality and manual therapies or exercises in order to diagnose, treat or prevent an ailment or illness” (National Center for Farm Worker Health)
“Medicine, the practice concerned with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease” (Todd et al., 2023)
Here at the Sanctuary, I will always be referring to the folk medicine and healing art perspective when referring to “medicine”.
This means I am not a medical doctor and will not be providing modern allopathic medical advice.
We believe in modern allopathic medicine and will always advocate that folks seek treatment from modern medicine when needed.
The focus here is on the folk aspect of medicine—the art of healing that is brought to our spirit through ritual, ceremony, and storytelling.
So, Medicine Stories is a space for exactly that—a storytelling space to share the medicine and magic that arises in the day-to-day.
A space to celebrate the m and nurture the medicine that sits in the shadows.
You can expect recipes, rituals, tales of celebration, tales of grief, and resources from my spiritual studies.
Thank you for taking the time to be here--; I hope can find some medicine within these stories.

Sending much love & magic,
Sierra Joleen REV
Founder of Sanctuary for Spirit
A space to share, connect, and explore the ambiguity of the worlds of folk medicine and magic.
CHAREN, T. (n.d.). The etymology of medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Folk Medicine Fact sheet. (n.d.). NATIONAL CENTER FOR FARMWORKER HEALTH.
Todd, J. Walford and Scarborough, . Harold (2023, December 22). medicine. Encyclopedia Britannica.